Sport Event in Cefalù: Kefitness
An event not to be missed for sport and wellness lovers comes to Cefalù: the promenade transforms itself into a huge open-air gym with Kefitness!
From Friday 30 June to Sunday 2 July the promenade will host Kefitness, the innovative sporting event in which energy, fun, and fitness blend together to offer an incredible experience. Three days characterised by sport, days during which it will be possible to practise your favourite sports or delight yourselves with learning new and less known activities, from yoga to pilates, from sup to water dance, to cycling and much more.
“We are happy that the municipality has created and supported an event for the promotion of disciplines related to psychophysical wellness. – says the mayor Daniele Tumminello – Three days of events in the splendid setting of Cefalù that will allow athletes to enjoy the activities in a unique dimension”.